We are so excited to offer memberships again for clients who want our best pricing and the ability to schedule well into the future!  Below are step by step instructions and FAQ about the memberships we offer.  Our best pricing is the “8 in a month” membership for $200 per month - that is for the duration of the membership, so as long as you keep the membership you will always pay that price!  We’re also offering our “4 in a month” membership again for $125 per month. This is best suited for those who have less time in their schedule but still want to take advantage of being a Reform Your Core Member.  Membership has its perks as you’ll see below!

We also offer some pretty cool incentives to help you stay on track with your Pilates goals including rewards points through our Wellness Living software and our “Hundreds Club”! Anyone who makes it to 100 sessions in a year will receive a Reform Your Core Pilates shirt that we customize each year to honor your achievement!

To purchase a Membership Contract:

Click on the “schedule” tab on our website and you will see a large blue button that takes you to our scheduling and payment software, just like when you want to purchase a regular class package. You will see the options to purchase either 8 sessions in a month or 4 sessions in a month.  We understand situations arise when you need to cancel a membership, but if you choose to purchase again, it would be at the current price of that membership.

Membership Rate Single Classes: Both of our membership contracts offer you a less expensive cost per class than our regular package pricing.  Obviously, the “8 in a month” membership contract is our absolute best deal at $25 per class. Our “4 in a month” membership contract is $31 per class. Both memberships allow you to spread out the cost of classes and allow you to schedule out months in advance. With either membership, if you decide to add “member” rate classes, your cost for each of those is $23 per class.  If you compare this with other studios you will find this is extremely competitive, and typically their teacher to student ratio isn’t like ours with a max of only five clients per class. This means you get the most out of every class!

Frequently asked questions

Can I schedule classes beyond the current month I have paid for through the membership contract?

Absolutely! That’s one of the best parts of the membership contract. It allows you to spread out payment each month but still reserve the class times you want well into the future! We always have our class schedules available to sign up at least a year out.  

How do I add a member rate single class to my membership so I can take extra classes in a month?

The “member” single class rate is $23 per class, significantly less than our regular single class rate of $40. You will find these “member” rate single classes in the same place where you would buy regular class packages, and you can purchase as many as you need at this rate. Once you make the purchase, you can add the extra class or classes to your schedule.

Can I use my membership contract for Foundation Classes?

Yes! If you are usually taking our regular group equipment classes but need to drop back to a slower paced class for a period of time (injury, pregnancy, personal preference), you can schedule for foundation classes using your membership!

What if a class gets canceled or I need to late cancel a class?

If we have to cancel a class, your reservation will be “early canceled” and you will not be charged. We will also make every effort to help you reschedule at a time that works for you. If you need to late cancel (less than 24 hours) we treat this the same with memberships as with regular class packages, so a class will be deducted from your account. We try to be very understanding of circumstances and are flexible in true emergencies. We just ask that you understand we are doing everything possible to continue to grow our business after the difficulties of Covid, and anytime someone late cancels, that directly affects our bottom line if we can’t fill that spot.

What if I have a medical reason that I can’t take classes for a period of time?

If you have a medical reason you can’t take classes (surgery, injury, etc), we will pause your membership for the period of time your doctor says is necessary. 

What if I want to pause a membership contract for travel?

We can’t pause memberships for travel, but we can work with you to make it possible to use all the classes you have in your membership. We are also working on a virtual platform so we can offer you virtual options with us when you travel.  Stay tuned!

Above all, we are here to help you with any issues you encounter when trying to sign up for membership contracts, classes, figure out any payment issues, or any other concerns you have! The easiest way to make sure we get back to you quickly is to either text Christine at (415)867-3337 or email reformyourcore@gmail.com.